Thursday 31 May 2012

A Grand Day Out

A couple of days ago it was such lovely weather (for Scotland) that I decided to have a day out nature-watching. I took a little trip to Red Moss Nature Reserve & Threipmuir Reservoir at the foot of the Pentland Hills where I had a quiet, leisurely stroll.
I say quiet but early on the peace was shattered by hordes of oinks on horseback (about twenty of them) trotting down the lane from the reservoir shouting "three cheers for the dog walkers.....hip, hip hoorah!". I think they were trying to be sarcastic.
Anyway once they had passed I had a lovely time walking along the boardwalk at Red Moss enjoying the flowers, insects and birds before heading up to Threipmuir Reservoir. The weather was brilliant as you can probably make out from the photos below and the birds and butterflies were flitting about everywhere.
I saw one of my favourite little butterflies the Orange-tip being mobbed by a couple of other small butterflies which I believe were Green-veined Whites, who were determined to stop the Orange-tip from getting at their source of nectar in the's a war out there you know!
The damselflies were making the most of their time to grab a few insects before the dragonflies emerge and start hunting them, in their world you can be either prey, predator or both.
On the way back from Threipmuir I notice a little path into the woodland which had an old sign next to it which said 'Danger Do Not Enter' so I just had to have a look. I didn't find anything particularly dangerous but I did hear a cuckoo calling so I thought I would try and find it.
I could not find the cuckoo but I did come across an abandoned stone building which was very interesting. It looked a bit like a cottage but was very long and did not have a lot of windows, it must have been abandoned many years ago because there were mature trees which must be over fifty years old growing inside it.
Just then my phone went and I had to hurry back to the Gyle Shopping Centre to pick up my wife Moira who had been having a completely different (and apparently just as enjoyable) stroll through the mall for the last few hours. She never took any pictures but here are some I took:

Boardwalk at Red Moss

Large Red Damselfly
Tree-lined Lane (without the horsemen of the Apocalypse)
Green-veined White on Dandelion

Orange-tip & Weevil on Bluebells

Robin in a tree

Threipmuir Reservoir

Overgrown Indoor Plants

Friday 25 May 2012

Evening Stroll

It was such a lovely evening a few days back that I went for an evening stroll and took my camera along.
I managed to snap some pictures of our local landmark the Forth Rail Bridge in all it's evening glory. Also got a few pictures of the Forth Road Bridge as well.
For those of you who don't know, the rail bridge was built in 1890 and is an enormous structure which has stood the test of time. The road bridge was built in 1964 and is already showing signs of deterioration, so much so that they are now building another road bridge to replace/supplement it.
So in a few years we will have a bridge built in the 19th Century, one built in the 20th Century and one from the 21st Century. Any bets on which one will still be standing in the 22nd Century (ah! they don't make 'em like they use to)
Here are the photos:

Forth Rail Bridge & Hawes Pier

Forth Rail Bridge from Hawes Brae

Forth Rail Bridge from Piper's Cave

Forth Rail Bridge and Passing Train

Forth Road Bridge

Thursday 24 May 2012

Teddy Edward

This is my first post so I hope it works.
I'm a newcomer to the world of blogging so I don't know what to say but I'm sure you will soon find out that you cannot shut me up.
I'll have some interesting things to say next time I just want to check it works (it's the engineer within me, I don't believe it until I see it in print, or on a spreasheet)