Monday 4 June 2012

Garden Wildlife

After my last blog a few people commented it was great that I could get out in the countryside and take a few photos of the wildlife. This time I thought I'd post a few photos of my back garden just to prove that you don't have to go far to find wildlife.
I have a nest box in my back garden, it has been there for at least ten years and most years I have had blue tits nesting in it. This year is no exception and at the moment the adult blue tits are busy dashing back and forward to collect caterpillars to feed their chicks. They must be in and out the nest box at least two or three times a minute so I took the opportunity to set my camera up on a tripod and snap them going in and out.
The first set of photos shows the squeeze they have getting in and out of the nest box as the hole is only about an inch (25mm) diameter. Although they could open the hole up the deliberately keep it small so that predators cannot get in to eat their chicks.

Blue Tit Posing

Popping In

Almost In

Popping Out

Almost Out

Nearly There

And Off We Go!
I also have quite a few native wildflowers in my garden including Primrose, Bluebell, Bird's-Foot Trefoil, Hemp Agrimony and Common Spotted Orchid and it is a very small garden. Not all of them are in flower at the moment but the Bluebells and Primroses are as you can see in the following photos.
Does anybody know why some Bluebells are blue and some are white? I don't have the answer I was just wondering if anybody knew? Both my white and my blue Bluebells came from the same native plant stock?? One of life's little mysteries....

Teddy Edward

Primrose & Spider (sounds like an American cop duo)

Blue Bluebells

White Bluebells (or is it Whitebells?)

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