Saturday 2 May 2015

Queensferry Crossing

Last weekend we took part in a sponsored walk that involved crossing the Forth Road Bridge from South Queensferry to North Queensferry and back again.
It was a nice day, some sun and a few clouds so I took my trusty little camera with me to snap some photographs. Although it was sunny most of the time there was an icy breeze blowing in from the North, so we were well wrapped up.

At the start of the walk
We left from the South Queensferry end and headed along the East walkway (yes we were doing it the easy way and not climbing up the main cables)

South Queensferry from the Road Bridge
About a third of the way along the bridge walk you come to the first of the towers, where the modern trend of putting padlocks (or should I say lovelocks) on railings appears to have taken off. As sales of these lovelocks go towards the upkeep of the RNLI Lifeboat in Queensferry I can only say it has been a worthwhile venture:

Lovelocks on Forth Road Bridge

Colourful Lovelocks
Some people claim that the reason the Forth Road Bridge was built was to afford good views of the real Forth Bridge (i.e. the rail bridge), I'll let you judge for yourselves:

Forth Rail Bridge from Road Bridge
Halfway across we noticed there were a few yachts out sailing, it looked like a cold but enjoyable hobby in this weather, and what a backdrop!!

Forth Rail Bridge and Yacht
At the second tower we were about two-thirds of the way across the bridge and had a good view of North Queensferry:

North Queensferry from Forth Road Bridge
At the North end of the bridge we had to go down the steps and under the motorway in order to get to the refreshment stalls that had been set up on the entrance to the West walkway.
This provided an ideal opportunity to get a photograph of the new road bridge that is under construction, which is aptly named as the Queensferry Crossing:

New Road Bridge Under Construction
After a quick pit stop, taking on some fuel, we headed on the return journey, this time along the West walkway. This side has been closed to pedestrians in recent months for repair work on the bridge, meaning lack of opportunity to photograph the new bridge construction, luckily it was open for the sponsored walk:

Three Towers of New Bridge

North Tower under construction
As well as viewing the progress of the new bridge, there were a few boats busily going about their business for us to watch. This tug had just steamed out of Rosyth and passed under the Road Bridge as we were crossing:

Tug and New Bridge

Tug with Longannet PS in distance
Half way across we stopped to enjoy the view and another walker kindly offered to take our photograph (almost a selfie, but not quite)

Wrapped up against the chilly wind
We soldiered onwards, stopping before the end to take a few snaps of the new bridge construction at Port Edgar marina. Here they have started pushing the roadway supports out towards the towers:

Port Edgar Marina and New Road Bridge
There were a few yachts moored in the marina, but not as much as I have seen in the past. I guess some sailors have taken their yachts out the water for Winter and not yet returned them, such as these yachts sitting on dry land under the Road Bridge:

High and Dry
Anyway our journey was almost complete, looking over the bridge back at South Queensferry we could clearly see the Parish Church which sits on The Loan:

South Queensferry Parish Church from Bridge
The last part of our journey was a trip through the underpass below the motorway to take us back to where we started:

Tunnel under Bridge
Despite the cold wind we enjoyed our little walk across the Forth Road Bridge and we raised some money for those less fortunate than ourselves.
Thanks to all who sponsored us.

Take care


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