Wednesday 11 November 2015

Celebrating Autumn

I recognise that not everybody likes to celebrate when Autumn arrives; some see it as the end of Summertime and that Winter is just round the corner, but not me.
Autumn to me means glorious golden colours when the sun shines and brooding skies which add a dramatic backdrop to scenic views when the sun isn't shining.
To illustrate my point here are a few photographs you might enjoy; the first set celebrating the beautiful scenery Scotland has to offer in the Autumn captured during a trip to Perthshire earlier this Autumn:

Castlehill Reservoir, Glendevon

River Devon, Glendevon
River Devon, Glendevon
Loch Monzievaird near Crieff
 After passing through Glendevon, Gleneagles and Crieff we headed to Loch Earn, taking the south shore road:
St Fillans

Loch Earn

Across Loch Earn

Island in Loch Earn

Ancient Oak, Loch Earn
Rustic Gate, Loch Earn

One of my favourite spots on the south side road round Loch Earn is where the Burn of Ample cascades down a waterfall before heading under a bridge and flowing on to join Loch Earn:
Burn of Ample Waterfall

Bridge over Burn of Ample
Burn of Ample heading to Loch Earn
It was raining (as it does in Autumn) but as I said it only helps to make the scenery more dramatic; this was certainly the case as we moved away from Loch Earn and headed to Loch Lubnaig:

Loch Lubnaig North

Loch Lubnaig Trees

Cows at Loch Lubnaig
Loch Lubnaig South
Leaving Loch Lubnaig we travelled south, stopping in Callander for a cup of coffee; here I grabbed a couple of snaps of the Autumn trees:
Trees above Callander

Church in Callander
After this we headed home, content that we had seen some lovely Autumn scenery, even if the weather did depreciate.
A good example of how an otherwise grey Autumn sky can add drama to a photograph is shown in these two pictures of the Kelpies I took a few weeks back:
Kelpies at Forth & Clyde Canal

Rearing Kelpie
Now you have seen the Scottish scenery under dramatic skies the 'leaf peepers' amongst you will want to see some Autumn colours.
Wind the clock forward a couple of weeks after our trip round Perthshire and we are down in the Scottish Borders; at Rosetta caravan park in Peebles to be exact.
Here is just a sample of the photographs I took one sunny morning:

Rosetta Caravan Park Entrance

Trees near 'Old Field'

Rosetta Autumn Colours

Rosetta Autumn Colours

Path near 'Old Field'

'Old Field' Woodland

Path through Woodland

Road to 'Old Field'

Leafy Road
Entrance to 'Old Field'

Magnificent Beech Tree

Beech Trees

Bridge in Woodland

Horse Chestnut Leaves
Beech Leaves

Dried Leaves

Sunny Bunny
These photographs were all taken within the caravan park where the woodland featured could be under threat from development. The owners aim to sell this area for building houses and move the static caravan pitched there up to the fields above the 'Old Field'. I would be very surprised if the developers choose to keep all these trees if they want to make best use of the space for building houses.
The static caravans will all be moved up to a higher field, which admittedly does have some good views, and some trees:
New Field Trees

New Field Trees

New Field Trees and Walled Play Area
I think I still prefer the Old Field but that's progress as they say.

Take care

Teddy Edward


  1. Sunny bunny was my favourite!

    1. Yeah! It was great that the rabbit was basking in the sun but it was quite far away for my small camera, hence it is a bit fuzzy. When I tried to get closer it scarpered so that was the best I could achieve.
