As the title suggests this is a round-up of some of the local places I visited this Autumn; highlighting the wildlife and views I recorded.
First up is a mid-September visit to Outh Muir, which is an upland area near to Knockhill just north of Dunfermline. The reason for my visit was to check for the presence of raptors in the area (in particular Short-eared Owls) as part of a local study.
View across Outh Muir |
Upland Moorland at Outh Muir |
Whilst raptors (birds of prey) were a bit thin on the ground (or in the air) during my visit there were still plenty of other birds to see:
Male Stonechat |
Carrion Crows and Meadow Pipits |
Swallows on the gate |
Even got some videos of these birds:
The Swallows took to the air making it a bit more difficult to video, but I did my best:
Whilst I was enjoying the views down the Forth Valley I did manage to see a Buzzard flying away from Outh Muir, so there are raptors here after all:
View towards Stirling from Outh Bridge |
Looking back towards the moorland, a small flock of Goldfinch flew in and started to feed on the thistle seeds:
Goldfinch Feeding on Thistle Seeds |
Goldfinch on Thistles |
.......... and there was also another Stonechat:
Juvenile Stonechat on Fence Post |
In fact there were several Stonechats and Meadow Pipits perching on various parts of the fence:
That was about it for my short visit to Outh Muir, apart from the fact I saw a Kestrel hovering over the moor just as I was driving off. So not totally packed full of raptors but plenty of birds to enjoy.
Meanwhile back at the ranch.
Some of the garden birds are getting ready for the colder weather by visiting the feeders, scouring the leaf mould for invertebrates and some even seeking out potential roosting sites, like this Great Tit checking out our bird box:
Great Tit checking out Bird Box |
The last Blue Tit (Nibbler) to use the box opened up the entrance hole so much with his nibbling that it is now suitable for the larger Great Tit to get in. Let's wait and see if gets occupied as a Winter roosting box.
At the end of September I took a local walk to the area known as Gallowridge Hill, less than 15 minutes from our house:
The Track to Gallowridge Hill |
The Fields around Gallowridge |
First significant bird I came across was this Kestrel perched at the top of a tree:
Kestrel on Tree Top |
As I walked along the field margin the Kestrel flew from the tree top and landed on a shrubby hedge further along the field:
Kestrel landing on Hedge |
I decided to leave the Kestrel in peace and headed back to the track to carry on walking up the hill. It's not a high hill but you get some decent views across the fields towards Crossford and Dunfermline:
Autumn Colours starting to appear |
Looking back towards Crossford |
In fact, with my binoculars, I could see the roof/back of our house from this vantage point:
Our house peeking through the trees |
Which would make sense as I can see the hill from our house!
Once again back at the ranch, the garden action is hotting up, and the local Magpies have decided to attempt a raid on the bird feeder:
Magpie raids bird feeder |
Preparing to shake it all up! |
Basically one Magpie would dive up from the ground and knock the bird feeder, causing it to shake and drop seed, which the second Magpie (plus other birds) would gladly hoover up:
Yes that is a Hen Pheasant amongst the Woodpigeons, she is a regular visitor in the Autumn and Winter, usually joined by a Cock Pheasant and some juveniles.
Hen Pheasant |
Pheasant below Feeder |
Another 'raider' of the feeder is a Grey Squirrel, which seems to be using an old Magpie nest in a nearby tree as a Winter roost:
Grey Squirrel on Fence Post |
Creeping towards the Bid Table |
I am not a big fan of Grey Squirrels (prefer the Reds) but this one seems to be on its own (for now) so we tolerate it for a while before chasing it off the feeders so that the birds can get it.
In mid-October we had some beautiful sunrises and the Autumn colours were starting to appear on most of the trees and shrubs:
October Sunrise |
Autumn Rowan Sapling (still to be planted in garden) |
Tulip Tree starting to turn Yellow |
Even more birds are visiting the feeders and the water bath:
Female Chaffinch |
Male Greenfinch |
Blue Tit in Tree |
Blue Tit on Feeder |
Robin on Fence |
Always on High Alert |
Yes the Robin is always on high alert and spends most of its time chasing other Robins and Dunnocks away from our garden. Seems to tolerate some birds though, including other ground-feeding birds like Blackbirds:
Female Blackbird on the ground |
Female Blackbird in the tree |
Male Blackbird searching food in the leaves |
Come November we were moving into the frosty mornings:
Frosty November Morning |
Sunrise over the frosty fields |
This made the race to fatten up for winter a bit more intense, with all sorts of creatures visiting the garden in search of food:
Magpie searching for food beneath the bird table |
Searching High and Low |
Squirrel searching for food on the ground |
Grey Squirrel trying to look as cute as a Red |
The Grey Squirrel had a large wound on its nose, maybe been in a fight, doesn't look like Squirrel Pox (I hope). Another mammal that was visiting the garden looking for food was a Hedgehog:
We usually only see these at night or very early in the morning, but this one was out during daylight, searching every nook and cranny.
Our bird box was also attracting the interest of a Blue Tit:
Blue Tit checking out Bird Box |
Wonder if it's Nibbler from last year? |
Wonder what would happen if the Blue Tit meets up with the Great Tit that was also showing interest in the bird box?
At the end of November I had another trip up the hills to Outh Muir to see if any raptors were about. Unfortunately I saw even less than I did when I visited earlier in the Autumn, but I did get some good views:
Still no Short-eared Owls though!
That's it for Autumn, we are now into Winter, in fact Christmas is just around the corner.
Hope you have a happy one and a guid New Year tae yin an aw.
Teddy Edward
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