Tuesday 28 April 2020

Ten Times Table (Colour Supplement)

In my last blog about my woodwork projects I mentioned the nativity animals I made and how my daughter-in-law transformed them in to something spectacular. Well she has sent me a few photos of her work so I thought that I would share these with you.
First of all you may remember my relatively crude wooden anaimals:

Wooden Camels and Donkey

Wooden Cows and Sheep

Well here is what someone with artistic talent can do with these basic animals:

We Three Kings

Love the Cows

Shepherds and their Sheep (even a black one!)

And the stars of the show (until Jesus turned up of course)

Mary and Joseph

And putting them altogether to make a nativity scene of some distinction:

Nativity Scene

What a transformation, I was suitably impressed when I first saw them and still think they are brilliant. I think you would be struggling to buy a nativity set as good as this.

Hope you like them too




  1. It is amazing .
    This could be the start of something big.

  2. Hi Amanada,
    Are you referring to the birth of baby Jesus?

  3. Oops! put an extra letter in your name Amanda

  4. Well, there is that !
    I was referring to your skills.
    So impressed. Ax

  5. Thank you Amanda.
    It is something I enjoy doing, and part of that enjoyment is that I don't have to worry about trying sell what I make.
